Sunday, March 22, 2009

The good thing about acting.

The good thing about acting is that there's so many ways to portray different characters.
The best example I can give to back up that statement is British Film and TV Award (B.A.F.T.A.) winner Dev Patel, who is well known for his role in the hit BBC series "skins" as a young trouble-maker named Anwar. However in his recent movie debut Dev was cast as an 18 year old orphan named Jamal, living in the slums of Mumbai, India, and how he risks everything to become a millionaire; in the movie "Slumdog Millionaire", And not so much a prankster as his usual character and a lot smarter.
playing different characters is a good way to work on our personal levels in theater and to learn more about our own psychological boundaries and the way that each side of our personalities are either similar or different to another person's.
The acting in the movie as a whole was really good as far as the different characters' personalities and emotions, I really liked the whole direction of it and if nobody else has seen it they should. I think it's one that everyone has to see to understand this post.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My experience so far.

So far I think the best thing I've learned about acting, is what I've learned from the writing I do.
When I get an idea in my head, or even if I've had a bad day and just need to vent; I write a lot of stories based off of how I feel and often combine my thoughts and feelings with things that I watch on TV or see in the streets.
the writing itself comes naturally to me, but not as naturally as the personalities of each character in my stories. I often find I tend to not only write and narrate the storyline, I also tend to put myself into the position of the character who's recalling the events that happen.
To me writing is as much acting as putting on a play.
I often go through the thought processes of each character in turn and make the scenes in my compositions come together on the page; since I often write in first person, putting myself in place of the character in control of the first person perspective makes it almost as if the pen is the director, and my living room is the stage.

I think it's a good tip for pretty much everyone. If you've got a pen and a piece of paper pick them up, and I know for a fact that we've all got a brain (in which lies both the imagination, and the thought process).
The choices we make about the characters we can become and the lives they lead often says a lot about a person and if that character is something you have created on a page, no matter how similar or different they are to you as a person.
anyone can just pull names and an appearances out of thin air and glue them to a page in a book in a way that fits, but it's an entirely different concept to give that character a personality and a voice of their own until you can put yourself in that character's shoes.

So next time you sit down and start writing about a person you just thought up, take my example into heart. Put yourself in that position and make something out of it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Welcome to my theater blog, I'm Anni Dimmock.
Here's some stuff about me to get you guys started off.

I was born in Plymouth hospital in the city of Plymouth in Devon County, England.
I'm a generally friendly person and always looking to have an all out fabulous time.
my favorite colors are variations of blues and greens including everything in between the two, and my favorite foods are anything that contains cheese or chocolate.
I'm an animal lover and I'm always up for a chance to work with pets. I also enjoy art which I am currently taking as an elective, music which I guess you could say is a passion of mine above all else and reading and writing.
I have a very curious nature and always try t put 100% into any activity that strikes my interest.
If I could change anything about myself as a person I'd have to say I don't know what I'd change... I'm not perfect, but that's better than being too perfect.

I have four pets which are as follows:
a miniature poodle named Teddy, a mongrel barn cat named Shadow-Paws, a male and a female serian (teddy bear) hamster; the male is named Tyler and the female is named Krissinda (krissie).
My family (including pets) and my friends are more important to me than anything and even though sometimes we all get on each others' last nerves we wouldn't trade each other for anything. I think that's the most heart fealt thing I can say about them.
as for my prized posession, there's only one thing I never leave home without (since that would be physically impossible) and that is my tattoo of a tribal dragon symbol; it's on the back of my left shoulder, it's the one thing that I think really defines my inner life. Dragons have always been a well known symbol of both protection and wilderness and I think that's what's so great about my tattoo. It's really special to me so although I hear a lot of my friends tell me I'll regret it when I get older I know I never will. I just hought that piece of information about me was a little interesting.

That's really all I can say to introduce myself, I know the rest of the class will probably hear more about me in person at some point, but I don't want to make this post too long.